New NIH award to study Apicomplexan Cell Division Plasticity
We are excited to start work on the transcriptional programs and gene contents of the various apicomplexan cell division modules. We will...

Dr. Klemens Engelberg Awarded Knights Templar Eye Foundation Grant
Congratulations Klemens with the award of a Knights Templar Eye Foundation Career Starter grant! Klemens will address the role of cell...

Farewell bowling with the two Victorias summer students!
A late post on our two summer students, who already left in the meantimes: Victoria Sánchez Guzmán from the University of Puerto Rico, a...
Gubbels lab off to Woods Hole next week
Vincent Primo, Daniel Tagoe and MJ will be off to the Molecular Parasitology Meeting at Woods Hole Sept 9-13

Klemens presenting at ICOPA in Korea
Klemens spent 19 hrs awake on a plane and then presented his work on MNK1. Tru pro! foto credit: Manoj Duraisingh

Our latest work on control of rhoptry secretion submitted
"A member of the ferlin calcium sensor family is essential for Toxoplasma gondii rhoptry secretion" https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early...
Our Latest Paper
Our latest paper was just published in mSphere. It can be found here Differential Roles for Inner Membrane Complex Proteins across...
Gubbels lab celebrates publication
Our paper on the role of parafusin PRP1 in Toxoplasma Ca2+-dependent phosphorylation is posted on bioRxiv (doi:...
Vinny heads South to learn ToxoDB
One of our graduate students, Vincent Primo recently returned from the EuPathDB workshop in Athens, GA hosted by the University of...